Thursday, October 13, 2011

First Post

Hello world, I'm here!  I'm new to this blogging game and this is my first post.  So bare with me.  I want to write about what inspires and me, as well as, products I love.  I'm a self proclaimed "product junkie" so I may have a few things to share with those who care.

I have recently returned from a week-long trip to the beach (my favorite place to be).  I'm always inspired by the sound of the waves, the colors of my surroundings, the beautiful light and the peace I get from getting away.  Just feeling the sand in my toes, the salty air blowing through my hair, the calming aura that surrounds me takes all the stress of day-to-day life away and recharges my batteries.  That's when ideas flow and I'm inspired again to start something new.  Or buy something new ;)

see what i mean

There are some great little road-side boutiques that we pass along the way with cute cottage finds that I just can't resist.  Unfortunately, I don't have a money tree in my backyard, so buying all the things I "must have" becomes difficult.  Thus begins the hunt for products that this little trip has inspired....

Stay tuned for my list of beach inspired products I love....

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